
Former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel on Sarah Palin:

He was also a former Democratic candidate for President this year, and a committed liberal (who says he left the Democratic Party because 'it is a party of war!'). He's here appearing on a left-wing radio show.

Major points:

* Gravel says Gov. Palin is a great choice in spite of his ideological differences with her, and someone he respects;

* That she went up against the Republican establishment with courage, and has "put the people and integrity above party";

* That she has more experience than Obama, especially executive experience;

* That she hasn't been corrupted by the partisan process in Washington;

* That she was right on Troopergate, and showed strength in going up against the entrenched unions, just as she had gone up against the oil companies;

* And... well, listen for yourself.

He finishes up by noting that, while he won't vote for McCain, he won't be voting for Obama either.

H/t: Hot Air.

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