Media Love Affair

Women and Senators First:

So we've seen the story about the idiot bail bondsman from Florida. "Man held in Fla. on charge of threatening Obama," says the story.

But you get down to paragraph six, and he apparently also told a student that he wanted to 'put a bullet in George Bush's head.'

Since when is threatening to assassinate a President not that big a deal? Much, much, less newsworthy than the fact that you also intended to maybe shoot a Senator? Since when is the threat to the Presidential candidate the headline, and the actual sitting President a very minor footnote?

That's the media space of summer 2008. Barack Obama is the news. Nothing else matters.

UPDATE: Heh. Old Bob Owens is on the task. Apparently CNN and CBS4 found the AP story too Bush-focused, and edited him out altogether.

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