Obama Posters

The Prophet Claim: Visual Aids

I won't include the famous "dare we say it?" one of Obama as Jesus rising from the water, with a unicorn behind him, because it was intended as semi-ironic. Let's just look at a few of the actually-deployed posters for Obama for President.

Now, reread that excerpt from his speech, below. He promises literally to slow the rise of the oceans, and literally to "heal the planet."

This is why I say that this is really creepy. It's also why I say that, if he ends up getting hammered with claims of being a false prophet -- complete with quotes from Revelations or elsewhere in the Bible -- he's going to deserve it. If you run as a prophet, you're opening yourself to claims that you're a false one.

Being perceived as a false prophet has consequences.

There are plenty of people out there trying to decipher Revelations. And a false prophet figure fits very, very well into a lot of end-times talk.

More than likely [the False Prophet] is simply an important religious figure representing a rising religious and ecclesiastical movement which this second beast and Satan will use to promote the beast out of the sea (cf. 17:7, 15-16)... Walvoord says, “The identification of the second beast as the head of the apostate church is indicated in many ways in the book of Revelation.”
It would be terrifyingly easy to put those posters, and that speech, into the frame of "a rising religious movement" of "an apostate church," headed by "a false prophet" in league with Satan himself.

And that's without the Lightwalker talk. That's just judging from the campaign's posters and Obama's speech.

This is a serious business. I'm the first one to put it in these terms, but I won't be the last one if this doesn't stop. The next one may be someone who isn't just familiar with Revelations, but has faith in his own capacity to interpret it -- and preach it.

You don't want this.

UPDATE: By the way, did you know that the Left Behind series sold 65 million copies?

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