Roosevelt on Boyhood

Theodore Roosevelt on Boyhood:

There is more to that piece from Theodore Roosevelt quoted below, in the post on sportsmanship. It makes for good reading, especially as he considers the usefulness, and limitations, of college and sports on making the whole man.

Another piece he wrote considers boyhood. At a time when we hare having debates about what kind of boys, and men, we want in our society, it is worth taking in what the Old Lion had to say.

Here's the start:

OF COURSE what we have a right to expect of the American boy is that he shall turn out to be a good American man. Now, the chances are strong that he won't be much of a man unless he is a good deal of a boy. He must not be a coward or a weakling, a bully, a shirk, or a prig. He must work hard and play hard. He must be clean-minded and clean-lived, and able to hold his own under all circumstances and against all comers. It is only on these conditions that he will grow into the kind of American man of whom America can be really proud.
There's so much that is right with that, beginning with the fist phrase: "Of course what we have a right to expect of the American boy...."


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