I Don't Know How That Could Have Happened:

So you saw this New York Magazine article by a journalist worrying about the Obama bubble:

If Obama is deemed to be an effete, out-of-touch yuppie, then the effete-yuppie media Establishment that’s embraced him must be equally oblivious and/or indifferent to the sentiments of the common folk.
Is it possible? Well, let's see how the journalist himself describes Obama's appeal:
Born on the very cusp of the baby boom and Generation X, he’s both oldish and youngish. And as a skinny, athletic, gentle-seeming, virtually metrosexual man, he nearly splits the difference on gender as well.
With appeal like that, I don't know how those yokels could possibly think him effete.

Really, though, this goes straight to yesterday's complaint against him. He won't fight, not even for those who will fight for him. Hillary Clinton's snide remark -- "Why can't he close the deal?" -- turns out to be an insightful critique.

He won't fight for it. He won't fight at all. Yet he wants to be President in a time of war.

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