Horses and Jackasses

Horses and Jackasses:

I fail to see what is wrong with this student's behavior:

Brad Walker saves $25 a week riding his horse Pumpkin to Rockwood High School in Roane, TN. It's a protest to high gas prices that has the support of Rockwood High's principal and has turned a lot of heads in the rural town.

It was a different story all together for a Dickson County High School student who was told this week he would not be able to participate in his graduation ceremony for riding his horse to school.

Caleb Anderson rode the horse to school on his last day of classes. The trip took him almost four hours, arriving at Dickson County High at 7:40am after leaving home at 4am. According to Caleb's grandmother Sandra Anderson, Caleb didn't think it would be as big of a problem as the principal made it out to be. Besides, he was doing his part as a new high school graduate to go green and save a little gas.

But once Caleb arrived at school, Dickson County High Principal Ed Littleton told Caleb to get the horse off the school property. Police arrived shortly after Caleb put the horse in a friend's pasture near the school. As punishment, Caleb was told he will not be allowed to participate in his graduation ceremony Friday.
"Police arrived"?

Is it illegal to ride a horse now? In Tennessee?

There was an update:
I have some very sad news to report. One of Caleb's uncles passed away today. The school still says they are not allowing Caleb to participate in his graduation tonight. Another one of Caleb's uncles, Danny Jackson, plans to ride a horse to the graduation ceremonies tonight in protest of the principal's decision.
Condolences to the family, which sounds like a fine one. I trust that the young man, now freed from the petty tyranny of the officious principal, will go far.

On his horse, and otherwise.

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