
The 3/6ths Compromise:

Oh, my.

At the beginning of our great country’s history my ancestors were counted as only 2/3 of a person. Until passage of the 15th Amendment in 1870, they weren’t allowed to vote. During that same time and until 1920, women could not vote. White men who did not own property could not vote at one point in our history as well.

Now, on May 31, 2008, a group of elitist insiders of the DNC have effectively said that some of my ancestors’ progeny equal only 1/2 and that men and women in Florida who voted on January 29th are 1/2 also.
It was not 2/3rds, but 3/5ths, very close to the 3/6ths that Florida and Michigan voters are going to be allowed to be.

This is going to cause some problems.

Photo from RedState, reporting from the scene.

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