Maintaining Our Pron Rating:

Since we remain banned at Camp Victory as a pornography site, I feel obligated to maintain our status. Naturally, being mostly virtuous myself, I am obligated to turn to certain wives for some aid in this regard. If you appreciate their aid, by all means buy their album.

Now: "Come Roll Me Away" by the Merry Wives of Windsor.

I met with a soldier whose sword was so long
When I first did unsheathe it, I burst into song!
We battled for hours, up there in the flowers;
But then came the dawn, and I rolled him away!

I met with a sailor who'd just come from sea
Sure the list in his mast sure did fill me with glee;
Starboard and port for and that was well store'd
But then came the dawn, and I rolled him away!

Come roll me, come roll me, come roll me away!
For a toss in the furs, or a romp in the hay!
I can roll any man, at least three times a day!
So dear laddies, come roll me away!


I met with a tinker who fixed all the locks,
His tools were so fine that I opened my box,
And he fixed my tick-tock with his glorious... hammer?
But then came the dawn, and I rolled him away!

Come roll me, come roll me, come roll me away!
For a toss in the furs, or a romp in the hay!
I can roll any man, at least three times a day!
So dear laddies, come roll me away!
There's quite a bit more, if you like that sort of thing -- and if you don't, I'm not sure why you're here, given our pron status. At any rate, I trust there won't be any complaints from the distaff side.

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