Jackbooted Oppression Alert!!!

Jackbooted Oppression Alert!!!

Now the BushReich is forcing their antediluvian, Red State values on SouthWest Airlines:

A video on Breitbart.TV is headlined, "Southwest Airlines Sorry for Making Man Remove Vulgar T-Shirt". I don't know why, when the man in question wore a T-shirt with the words "MASTER BAITER" printed in large type on the back and front of the shirt. With a huge "Ain't I a stinker?" grin on his face, he told a television reporter, "To undress in front of 132 people, to put a new shirt on, I was unbelievably embarrassed."

Not content with destroying our freedoms, now they want the clothes off of our backs. Olbermann was reich right.

This is how freedom dies.

Update: more violations of our Constitution rights!!!! No man should be forced to suffer for the sake of his Art:

"This lawsuit is about a corrupt little county in Virginia and making sure they can't do this to anyone else ever again," he said.

At times like these, I fear for my country.

Bonus update: Now Greyhawk is trying to SwiftBoat a true American hero, just for speaking truth to power!

The big phony. Who does he think he is???

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