Where Is Zbigniew Brzezinski When We Need Him?

Where Is Zbigniew Brzezinski When We Need Him?

Sometimes the comedy just writes itself:

In her September 8 article ...New York Times reporter Tamar Lewin quoted the parody Web site of a Dartmouth secret society (the Phrygians) discussing possible actions against the college administration. The New York Times reporter apparently thought that the Phrygian Society -- a secret society -- maintains a website to apprise the public of its latest conspiracies.

It only took the Times a week to research and correct its error. Yesterday the Times published this correction:


Published: September 15, 2007

An article last Saturday about Dartmouth College’s governance structure incorrectly described a Web site congratulating Todd J. Zywicki, a trustee, for meeting with members of the Phrygians, a secret society, and discussing possible actions against the college administration. It was a hoax site, not an official Phrygian site.

Like MSNBC in its treatment of the online version of Johnson's story, the Times has airbrushed Lewin's fake Phrygians' quote from the online version of the September 8 story.

Now *that's* spooky.... Todd Zywicki adds:

It appears that the reporter let her political biases (which are strongly reflected in the original story) get out in front of her reportorial good judgment.

Those horrid neocons! Always with the fear mongering! Will no one save us from this Culture of Fear?

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