"Embarrassing Gaffe" Alert

Obviously the Princess quit blogging too soon.

While we are all waiting for Grim to get back, does anyone happen to remember what the Princess was doing last Friday?

It's been a busy week. The blog princess had an interesting experience today. She got to sit in on a conference call with incoming press secretary Dana Perino at the White House. Ms. Perino, as she has been the few times we've managed to catch her on the television, was both articulate and informative...

...The President talked with 250 Marines at Quantico today. One of them asked him, "Where are all the Nelson Mandelas of Iraq?"

He said, "Saddam killed them all." The President reminded the Marines that anyone who espoused or defended freedom was killed off under Saddam. So the Iraqis are not starting from the same place as many other countries. And our own march to democracy was not a smooth one.
Condoleeza Rice's own ancestors lived in slavery for 100 years before they tasted freedom. And yet all Americans enjoy the fruits of freedom today.

What if we had given up?

Flash forward to this week. Via Glenn Reynolds, apparently Reuters thinks it caught the President in yet another "embarrassing gaffe":
WHEN GEORGE BUSH'S METAPHORS ARE TOO COMPLEX FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND, a career in journalism may be beyond your capacities. But not beyond your reach!

The media are falling into a tiresome pattern of making absolute asses of themselves where the President is concerned.

How long ago was it that Piers Morgan gleefully informed us "only an idiot" could fall off a Segway? That ended well...

Now Reuters, in its ever present haste to attack the administration, neglected to check the transcripts freely available right on the White House website. Because, you know, quoting what the President actually said (as opposed to reframing it to enhance the public's understanding of difficult subjects) would be allowing the White House to get its message out unfiltered. And, as we all know, during war time the last thing we need to hear is enemy propaganda.

I don't know. With Congress' approval rating at 11% and the press making serial blunders like this, it all starts to make choking on a pretzel look downright Machievellian.

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