Exercise sucks

Experts: Exercise is Bad for You

That, at least, is the only message I can take from this article:

Deer hunting could be a dangerous endeavor for men with heart disease or risk factors for it, research findings suggest. In a study of 25 middle-aged male deer hunters, researchers found that the activities inherent to hunting -- like walking over rough terrain, shooting an animal and dragging its carcass -- sent the men's heart rates up significantly.
That would usually be described as "aerobic exercise," which is supposed to be the remedy for the health conditions mentioned in the article.
In general, the researchers found, deer hunting put the men's hearts under more strain than the treadmill did.
Headline: Deer Hunting Excellent Exercise! (Sidebar: Eat Lean! Eat Venison!)

No, of course not. That might encourage people to do something un-PC -- play with guns, kill animals, that sort of thing. That musn't happen at any cost.

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