Baby Shower

A Baby Shower:

Many of you will have heard the story of Marine Corporal DJ Emery.

Perhaps, to me, the most encouraging thing this week, and keep in mind that DJ probably doesn't know how bad his situation is (I doubt that he knows his legs have been amputated)...DJ was able to write one tell his wife that he loved her. Through the drugs, the pain, the horror of what he's been through, deep inside, in his core...Semper Fidelis.
Another thing he may not know is that he is now a father. Carlee Emery was born earlier this week. Joy cometh in the morning, Cassandra said.

All this you probably know. What you may not know is that there's a baby shower. FbL has the details, and suggestions should you wish to participate.

The Marines have stood by their injured comerade and his family in the best traditions of the service. If you'd like to be part of that, here's the link again.

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