Welfare Reform

How Not to Reform Welfare:

A cautionary lesson from the Philippines:

A day-care center owner armed with grenades and guns held more than 30 youngsters and teachers hostage on a bus Wednesday, then freed them after a 10-hour standoff that he used to denounce corruption and demand better lives for impoverished children.
We'll be more convinced of your sincere desire to improve the lives of children when you don't threaten them with grenades.
Ducat, a 56-year-old civil engineer who has staged other attention-grabbing stunts in the past, then put the pin back in a grenade, handed it to a provincial governor, Luis "Chavit" Singson, and surrendered as Singson held his arm.

"I accept that I should be jailed because what I did was against the law," Ducat said in an interview with The Associated Press shortly before the standoff ended.
Really, even if this didn't happen to be against the law, I'd still want you jailed.

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