

Fuzzy has tagged me with a meme called "Six Weird Things." I'm a little bemused by it.

"Post 6 weird things about yourself and tag 6 people. Leave a comment on their blogs to let them know they're tagged."

Well, I never pass these things on, though as always, anyone who reads here is welcome to play in the comments.

Usually, though, I at least know what to say. In this case, though, I'm being asked what makes me unusual. There are probably only two kinds of replies to make: things you already know ("Grim has a particular fondness for Stetson hats and bowie knives"), and things that are none of your business (thanks aye).

So, rather than bore you by repeating things about myself you already know, I'll invite you to post your favorite weird things about me in the comments. I'd appreciate some gentleness in how you phrase it. :)

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