California Seceeds?

California Seceeds?

The fervent hope of many people I've spoken to over the years (actually, usually expressed less as a desire to see it seceed as a desire to see it fall in the ocean) may come true. California the "nation-state" is not a bad concept. Headline writers are having some unjustified fun with Arnold's statement. Still, it's true: California really does have the economic muscle of a nation.

(So does Texas, another place I've often heard people wish would seceed. The difference is that the people wanting Texas to seceed are usually Texans wanting rid of the rest of the country; whereas the advocates of California secession want rid of Californians.)

The nation California is most often compared to is Iraq -- how often have you heard someone refer to Iraq as 'a nation the size of California'? Plus it also has unsecured borders. Well, and LA cop 'Jack Dunphy' points out that it also has urban snipers killing policemen -- though, so far, fewer of them.

So, goodbye, California! It's been nice knowing you, and we wish you all the best in your new endeavors.


Hm. Too bad. I'd hoped he was serious about that.

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