
Post-Holiday Confusion:

Wait, what? We're on the air? Oh, hello.

Whew. Yesterday's five-hundred mile drive over several sets of mountains has left me unusually cff-balance, due to the cold I haven't quite shaken. The pressure changes in the ear suffered at Monteagle still haven't gone away due to the head being stopped-up in a fashion unbroken by Robotussin. It finally sparked vertigo by the time we were passing Cloudland Canyon, leading to this conversation:

Grim: "Are we sideways now?"

Wife: "No."

Grim: "Crap."

I did manage to find my way to the computer today. This has not improved the situation.

For one thing, I find that my favorite blawg has closed. Alas for Southern Appeal! We shall not see its like again.

I've several things I'd like to talk with you about soon. Give me a day or two, and a supply of good beer, and I don't doubt I shall be at your service.

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