
Happy Holidays:

Grim's Hall has residents, to my certain knowledge, who are proudly Heathen, Christian, Pagan, or Jewish. I'm not sure if we have readers from other faiths or not -- since they haven't mentioned it -- but I wish to offer my good wishes to all of you.

I gather from my email that Hannukah (or however you spell it -- I'm told there are several choices) is ongoing. I'm not sure what the right greeting is for that, but have a good one (I think it's meant to be a good one -- it's Yom Kippur where you set out to have a bad one, right?). One of you fed me a potato pancake last year, and it was delicious. So, while I don't know much about the holiday, it can't be all bad.

The Winter Solstice is tomorrow according to my calendar, and drinc hail! Have one for me -- fate decrees that I will be on the road all day tomorrow, and so shall not be able to feast and celebrate as I would prefer on such a day.

And, of course, next week brings Christmas and St. Steven's Day. Merry Christmas to all.

I will be traveling until two days after Christmas, visiting distant family. I don't know if I will post between now and then, or have access to post. The best to you all, good people of good hearts, whatever tradition you cherish. All such are welcome here.

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