Valor IT Challenge

VALOUR-IT Challenge:

The Project VALOUR-IT military challenge has begun for this year. Cassandra is griping that BlackFive mislinked in his post, sending Marines to the wrong "leader" page. The real leader of the Marine team is Cassidy herself.

Well, I've got a gripe too -- she forgot to invite me to join the team. Or Doc, either, it appears.

In spite of the fact that we were not invited, I signed us up for the Marine team. If you're able, please help out.

I assume all readers here know what Project VALOUR-IT is about, as it's something we've talked about often since its inception. If you are new to MilBlogs, see here, through which you can also find links to make donations. Sadly, IEDs as a chief means of war have led to many servicemen who deserve, and need, their aid.

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