brain Waves

Brain Waves:

Does this mean that we could bombard Iraq with magnetic waves -- in theory, I mean, not in practice -- and eliminate suicide bombing? Get people to put aside their anger, and start thinking rationally?

And if it does mean that, is that a good or bad thing? Extra points for Serenity references, but what if it really worked? No reavers -- and no real change in the subject's emotional structure -- just shutting down the part of the brain that would cause them to choose the harm?

I keep wanting to say that it's a bad thing anyway -- improper meddling with the natural human freedom to make up your own mind. I think that's the proper position rationally. Yet, emotionally, thinking of the harm averted... So, would the magnetic waves make me more inclined to support banning the use of those waves, or less so? And is a choice made under such circumstances legally or morally binding -- e.g., does it fall in contract law under the prohibition against "compulsion," since it's only getting you to choose what's in your rational best interest?

Fascinating new world we're building.

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