Bless Texas

Bless Texas:

Now this is a good news story. (Via InstaPundit.)

Police said the 14-year old had gone home sick from school when the suspect broke in and threatened the boy and his mother with a knife. He tied them up, but they broke free, they grabbed a gun, and the 14-year-old fired through a crack in the door, killing the alleged burglar.
That's a boy who was raised properly, at least in certain key points. Brave, smart, wise with weapons, and bearing a certain basic sense for tactics as well. Good for him.

Here's the reaction from the 'jury pool' of neighborhood peers:
As you can imagine residents living in the area are shocked an incident like this could happen so close to their homes.

Neighbors told 6 News that although this is not a "high crime" area, most have their own story to tell about a break-in or something similar. Quite a few of them are telling us they support the boy for his actions.
I'm not sure how "shocked" goes with "but we all have stories like that." I am sure how "we all have stories like that" goes with "we support the heroic boy."

We had an incident like this when I was growing up, when a pair of young boys (twelve, if I recall) were coming back from target shooting on the farm, only to find their house being robbed. The robbers shot at them, so the boys returned fire, to the detriment of the criminals.

I suspect the late Col. Cooper would be proud.

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