Lieb interview

Jomentum Interview:

PJM has an interview with Joe Lieberman they'd like you to watch.

You've probably noticed that PJM's board is fascinated with the question of moderate voters who aren't affiliated with the major parties (they're holding a contest for naming such voters. You can vote for your favorite name here). These voters, who have in the past normally been called "swing voters," are always being pursued by the two major parties.

We've been talking for years, idly enough, about a Jacksonian party -- one that would capture the principles of the old Southern Democrats on defense and individual liberty, and combine them with the "individualist conservative" part of the Republican party. It would probably also appeal to libertarians, though it would naturally favor several things they don't (e.g., a strong military; tight border control).

I think such a party is highly viable. But how to create a party that breaks into the national election model? It hasn't been done since the mid-19th century.

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