So. Grim wants (and frankly, so do I) an informed citizenry.

Now how do we do this?

Well, perhaps programs like this could be expanded, because they do stuff like this.

(How the hell do you get picked for this? I wanna go to Florida and get briefed by the deputy commander of CENTCOM.)

Or, I suppose, you could go here. And just follow the links.

Or, like I do, go here, and sign up for all the emails available.

My favorite? DOD Contracts. Check this out.

Synchronous Serial Personal Computer Memory Card. What. Is. That? And why does Special Operations Command want it?

And what is hairy buffalo?

Google it and find out.

What gets me about this is that its all out there already. Paid for. Like, if you're a US citizen, you paid for that website and the General's salary and all that. I want to know what I'm paying for, if nothing else.

And and look at this. Oh wow. What the fresh hell is that? The Colonel going back to the Kentucky state bar to figure out what the hell to do next? What are they doing down there? And this is all available. So much for secret trials. You can read the charges here. (its a pdf, be warned.) After reading that, I say shoot him.

Shoot. Him. Now.

Not that I expect to be consulted, but hey, I'll bet I know more about this case than Katie Couric does right now.

So back to the original point. Part of being an informed citizen is that you want to be informed in the first place.

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