McK 2

"Just a Victim of Being in Congress"

Can we all agree that, once you get yourself elected to a Constitutional office in the Federal government, you have to stop playing the victim card? Congressmen, like Presidents and Supreme Court Justices, occupy the highest levels of our society. One of the two major political parties has an interest in coming to your defense -- whatever you do. You get to make the law, interpret the law, or create regulations with the force of law. If you're one of them, you can't suggest that you're being oppressed. American society has not been unfair to you.

There is, apparently, footage of the incident "which will not be released," we are told. Now, what are the odds on that, as a gambler: that the footage establishes the guilt of the cop, and the Capitol Police are covering up for him in the face of all the power of almost half the Congress -- the organization that determines their budget and pay raises, among other things? Or that the footage proves the Congresswoman is guilty, and political power is being deployed by Congress against the Capitol Police to prevent it showing up on the evening news?

I wouldn't dream of giving odds on a fool bet like that.

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