HuT traitors

Dissent & Treason:

An article in The Australian outlines the tipping point between dissent and treason:

The Hizb ut-Tahrir, which is being investigated by ASIO, said fighting Australian troops and the other occupying forces in Iraq was a "universal right and religious duty".... Mr Doureihi's comments come after The Australian revealed yesterday the inflammatory pamphlet disseminated by the group outside of Sydney mosques, urging Muslims to rise against Australian troops in Iraq and support the insurgency.

"We urge you to make the calamity of Samarra as a motivator to repel the invaders and that you take them as enemies," the flyer says, referring to the bombing of the Samarra mosque last month.

Mr Doureihi said the group stood by its belief that attacking the occupying forces in Iraq and other Islamic nations was an "Islamic obligation".
The Hizb-ut Tahrir, "Party of Liberation," was founded to pursue the peaceful establishment of the Caliphate. This is the point at which you cast away the "peaceful" part, and begin actual incitement to violence. Australia, like America, is a part of the free West. It is that kind of state I was talking about below:
What is not -- is never -- acceptable is undermining the nation's security or stability in order to pursue what you prefer. As a point of philosophy, it is bad philosophy; as a point of ethics, it is unethical. It is wrong whether or not it is criminal. Neither Aristotle nor Socrates thought of undermining Athens' defenses in order to advance their philosophy. They were serious minded for a good reason: city-states were wholly destroyed sometimes, in ancient Greece.
And indeed, that is just what Hizb-ut Tahrir desires.
Mr Doureihi said banning Hizb ut-Tahrir in Australia, as it has been banned in Britain, Germany and other countries, would reflect the Government's appetite for repressing discourse and dissent.

"If anyone was to be proscribed it would be the Australian Government itself," he said.
That is treason.

We simply do not speak of treason anymore, except rhetorically. Yet I speak of it now. This is what treason means: to levy war against the state, to give its enemies aid and comfort, to try not merely to defeat but to destroy it. We are at the point at which Hizb-ut Tharir is ready to throw away its long-accustomed mask, to set aside peace and declare for war. Who has the courage to look on their true face? Who remembers how to answer this challenge?

I wager the Australians do. The title of the article is, "Jihad on troops a duty, say fanatics." Let us prepare to support them.

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