Cyn Mack

You Go, Cynthia -- And For God's Sake, Don't Come Back:

You know, there are days when I almost sympathize with Massachusetts:

According to two sources on Capitol Hill, who spoke on condition of anonymity, Rep. Cynthia McKinney, D-Ga., walked through a metal detector in a House of Representatives office building. When an officer asked her to stop, McKinney kept walking. The officer followed her and tapped her on the shoulder.

McKinney then allegedly turned around and hit the officer in his chest[.]

My sympathy is only partial, since the worst scoundrels of Massachusetts are routinely elected in statewide elections; whereas our pretty little psycho girl only has to pull from a wee gerrymandered district in Atlanta.

Still, there must be some decent fellow in Massachusetts who hangs his head and cries every time he sees his "representatives" in the news. How do these people get elected? And re-elected? And re-elected again?

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