The Alamo Movie

Movie Club: The Alamo

Back in November, we decided to have a Grim's Hall movie club. We got distracted by the holidays, I think, which is why we only got around to the one movie (Sands of Iwo Jima).

Per the comments to the last post, we're going to do The Alamo next. Amusingly, it was the movie I'd originally intended to do first -- a fact I'd forgotten until I went back to look up the original post:

1) Movies would be classics of film, available on VHS/DVD at most local stores. They ought to be either readily available at rental places, or for sale for less than $15 -- most readers, I think, could afford to spend $15 a month or so on a movie if they wished. It's the same as tickets for two at a new movie, but you'd be seeing something that has already proven itself over time.

2) We'd watch one or two movies a month, depending on how it works out.

3) Either I, or one of my co-bloggers if they sponsored it, would post a review of the movie to start discussion. We'd carry it on in the comments.

4) I'd like to aim at movies that capture classic American values, the kind of films that we'd like our children to grow up watching. To start with, I'd like to sponsor the John Wayne classic The Alamo.
Well, Sands of Iwo Jima was just as good. :) But this time, we really will do The Alamo. It shouldn't be too hard to find, either at your local rental place or wherever you buy movies.

Should we aim to try to watch the movie by Sunday, so we can have a post to discuss it at the start of next week? Sound fair?

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