Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

We come together
once a year
Family and friends
gather to hear
The story of a
child's birth.

Born to a teenage
woman in an
Ancient town. Her
new husband a man
Gone there to enroll
for tax-census.

A busy inn, no place
of privacy for
The business of birth.
no place? after
A moment's thought,
they enter the stable.

The travails and joys
of birth have been
Told thousands of times
by thousands of women.
Yet this birth was fraught
with secret import.

Tales of angels, tales
of special signs
In the heavens. strange
visitors with fine
Gifts in this little
hamlet of Judea.

A surprising life and a
shocking death await
This little baby boy.
this day we meet,
To honor the baby who
changed the world.

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