Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday:

This post will stay at the top all day. I'll update it as more links appear.

The Commandant's official greetings. "Marines create stability in an unstable world."

The Secretary of the Navy sends his greetings.

Col. Jeff Bearor writes on the birthday.

Mackubin Thomas Owens offers a history lesson.

Doc Russia posts his tribute.

And here are the links to Grim's Hall's previous celebrations, from 2003, and 2004 (although apparently my graphic from last year has died).

Drinks at Tun's Tavern.

UPDATE: Here is Joel's post at Southern Appeal, which I missed at first because (in his eagerness) he posted it on the 9th of November. I assume we'll be seeing a movie review of The Sands of Iwo Jima from Joel later today.

Outside the Beltway has this roundup, although they are apparently under the impression that the Corps was founded in 1875.

BlackFive has a few words from Tun's Tavern.

Daniel's birthday wishes are up.

Froggy wishes a happy birthday to the Teufelhunden.

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