Well Done

The Gun Watch:

Here's an enlightening story about a teenage girl who shot a rapist who was attacking her.

The incident took place on County Road13, just north of McNab. According to the Hempstead County Sheriff's Office, Ben Haywood, 48, the teen told them Haywood began to hit her and tried to undress her, pulling her shirt off.

The girl got away from Haywood, according to the HCSO, and hid in a closet at the rear of the home. She was found by Haywood and once again he began to beat the girl. After a period of confrontation, the girl was able to grab a 9mm rifle from a gun rack that was near her and shot the alleged attacker -- hitting him in the left leg. She then fled to search for help.

Sheriff deputies arrived on the scene along with Pafford Ambulance Service, questioned the juvenile and released her to her parents. She suffered several scratches and bruises, according to deputies.
Now, that's a fellow who is storing his rifles loaded and unlocked... and good thing he did, eh?

Saftey, yes. Training, absolutely.

Rights first.

Hat Tip: Gun Watch.

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