The State | 05/31/2005 | Army wants soldiers to get used to guns

This Seems Familiar:

Via Best of the Web today, an article entitled "Army Wants Soldiers to Get Used to Guns."

On his third day of basic training at Fort Jackson, Pvt. William Banks got his gun -- an M16A2 rifle.

Less than an hour later, the 23-year-old soldier from Colorado Springs, Colo., already had taken the gun apart, cleaned it and put it back together. Then, Banks and other soldiers in Company D, 1st Battalion, 34th Infantry Regiment slung the weapons over their shoulders and marched off to chow.

Giving recruits a gun so early in boot camp and expecting them to carry it almost 24 hours a day, seven days a week marks a radical change in how the Army trains its soldiers.
Now, is that a "gun," or is it a rifle?

This is a great idea. I wonder who came up with it?

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