Range Day

Range Day:

It's been a gloomy and overcast day here in Virginia. I've spent most of it working, but I did find a little while to go over to the range. I went through a box of .44s. Here's the target I saved for the last six:

I've been going down there since July, after more than a year of not using any sort of firearm due to living in the socialist republic of Maryland. I planned to go once a week until I got back into shape as a shootist, and then once a month or so to keep in shape. As it's worked out, I've managed to get out there less than once a month at any point.

Still, I'm pleased with the result. I'm shooting handguns now as well as I ever have. My riflemanship still needs quite a bit of work, work it didn't get today as I had only twenty minutes on the range. Still, I'm pleased with the progress I've made, and look forward to the future: shooting not just as well as I ever have, but better than I ever have.

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