Marine Corps Moms

An Advanced Scam:

Marine Corps Moms has word of a fairly elaborate con aimed at the families of deployed Marines. I'll be surprised if it doesn't occur with other services, too. Keep your eyes out for this:

Two men posing as a Marine and a Sailor tried to gain personal checking account information from the spouse of an activated Marine Reservist. The attempted scam occurred as follows:

The spouse was called by a man claiming that he was a Marine Master Sergeant. He informed her that her husband was missing in action and that someone would visit her home to provide further information. Two men, one dressed in Marine dress blues and the other in a Navy uniform, visited the spouse at her home. Neither of the men would properly identify themselves. They informed her that her husband was missing in action and that they would need her checking account number in case he was determined to have been killed in action. The alleged perpetrators had somehow obtained personal information on the Marine to include his name, rank, address, telephone number and social security number.
Now, I know most military spouses are pretty tough in their own right. Anybody shows up at your house claiming that part of your family is missing in action, and wanting a checking account number -- I suggest that, if possible, you hold them until the police arrive. This kind of thing is intolerable.

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