Marine Reserves Who Lost 12 Return

2/24 Returns:

Here is an article on the return of Fox Company, 2nd Battalion, 24th Regiment, United States Marine Corps Reserve. The 2/24 followed "our own" 2/2 as having responsibility for some of the deadliest parts of the Sunni Triangle. Where as the 2/2 are regulars, the 2/24 is a Reserve unit. We all predicted heavy casualties. The Reservist faces an extra risk in a war zone: every day spent in his civilian life is a day not spent training for war. It therefore takes tremendous courage to volunteer for Reserve service. The duty can be just as tough, and the risks are higher.

In fact the 2/24 lost twelve men, including five from Fox Company. Their service was in keeping with the best traditions of their unit. Captain Joseph J. McCarthy, who was awarded the Medal of Honor for his service leading Co. G. on Iwo Jima, would be proud of what they accomplished in Iraq. Doc is right: They still make 'em like they used to.

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