Grim's Hall

Buy A Gun Day:

Today is Buy A Gun Day, which I believe was begun by Aaron's Rantblog. I used to link to it, until it went on hiatus. The notion was to take your tax refund, and use it to purchase a gun -- thus giving the more intrusive portions of the Federal gov't a notion of what you'd rather the money had been spent upon to begin with.

Since Grim is an independent contractor, it has been quite some time since there was anything akin to a "tax refund" around here. I paid the last of my 2004 taxes in January, and now am paying this year's taxes, first quarterly installment. As a consequence, there's no money for guns... which is a real shame, because I can certainly think of one or two... er, or so.

However, I hate to let a holiday of this sort go by uncelebrated, so while I was at the range yesterday I substituted the rituals for National Ammo Day instead.

In the words of Jayne Cobb, 'We're ammo'd up pretty good. I got a discount because of my intimidatin' manner.'

Of course, I shot up a lot of it at the range... well, a man can only do what he can do.

UPDATE: I stand corrected. Welcome back, Aaron.

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