The Indepundit

An Exception to the Kindness Rule:

I have been to the Congressional Medal of Honor Memorial in Indianapolis, IN. It's down on the White River, a pleasant stroll on a summer's day, near the Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art. The pleasure of the stroll is touched with a note of sorrow, though, to look at the glass panels filled with the names of heroes. Most of them are dead, a loss to our nation.

Whoever smashed those panels, and defaced the site with spraypainted peace signs and anarchist symbols, is not due kindness. I don't know what to say. What kind of person could do such a thing? Not one with an ounce of understanding, nor respect, nor decency.

I still believe that we have to treat our neighbors kindly, and introduce them to the practice of the right to keep and bear arms in a way that will make them feel safe with us. The evidence supports us here -- citizens with CCPs commit any crime at a rate far lower than the general population. I honestly believe that most of the citizens on the other side simply haven't been around it, and can be won over with honorable behavior and some exposure.

But there are some, this shows, who cannot be. May posterity forget they were our countrymen.

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