- 7" Straight Jaw Locking Pliers


Why, oh why, must these manufacturers of automobiles make battery terminals out of such poor quality steel?

Battery died in the truck today, so I hiked into town, got a new one, and carried it back. (An aside: these things are not feathers. My son, who is two, was deeply impressed. He kept trying to lift it after we got back home,and then pointing it out to his mother, and saying, "Daddy do!")

I have exactly the right size ratchet socket for the business of replacing the battery: 7/32. (For some reason, however, other bolts in the engine are metric; parts I have to take off to get at the battery are 12mm.) Fits like a glove; but no matter. The negative terminal came off with no problem, but add a little corrosion, and it's no go on the positive. The "steel" bolt stripped away like butter.

I ended up having to pry the thing loose with a pair of these. What a pain.

So, that's how I spent my afternoon. How was yours?

On the upside, the wife did compose a new song in honor of the occasion. She calls it "the Daddy Hero song." That's a bit much, but it is nice to hear her praise me to the boy, and it is nice to know I made her day.

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