The Alliance: New Precision Guided Humor Assignment: Cheering Up A Marine

The Alliance:

I admit that I've fallen down in my duties to the Alliance of Free Blogs. However, I see this week that they've got a contest going on that warms my heart. It's called "Cheering Up A Marine," although properly speaking it's "Cheering up a Recruit."

It seems that one of our Alliance members - Chris of FlashBang - has joined the Marines and is currently enjoying the delights that boot camp has to offer.

It's a tough row to hoe, but perhaps we can do something to lighten his load.
Being a monster, I once sent a postcard to a friend in Boot Camp addressed to:

General [Recruit's Name], "The Pushup King"
PLT XXXX, Echo Company
2nd Battallion

But let's try to come up with something nicer for our fellow blogger. The Alliance suggests jokes. Jokes are nice.

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