The Alliance: New Precision Guided Humor Assignment: Cheering Up A Marine

Marine Jokes:

In case you weren't following the submissions to the "Cheering Up A Marine" contest, here are some of the best ones:

1) If you tell the Navy to secure a building, they will turn out the lights and lock the door.

If you tell the Army to secure a building, they will set up a perimeter and forbid entry to those without a pass.

If you tell the Marines to secure a building, they assault with heavy fire, capture the building, fortify it and call for an air strike.

If you tell the Air Force to secure a building, they will negotiate a three year lease with an option to buy...

When WE went to boot camp we didn't HAVE jokes. Or mail!
I hear they have ropes on the rappel tower now....

Yeah, I heard that too.

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