Transatlantic Intelligencer


Transatlantic Intelligencer is a new blog recommended by long time reader S.D. It looks good. The intention is to explain Euro politics to Americans, and vice-versa. The primary focus, however, is on overcoming the language gaps to make Europe accessible. It aims... counter the egregiously misleading reporting on European affairs in the most widely-cited - in effect, "mainstream" - media in the States. Such reporting - long on cliché-ridden generalizations, short on factual details, and displaying a remarkable ignorance of European history - has given rise to a number of myths about contemporary Europe and the state of transatlantic relations. One such myth, which is playing a major role in the current US presidential campaign, suggests, for instance, that "Europe" - seemingly as a whole - responded to the 9/11 terrorist attacks with a great outpouring of sympathy for the US and that this capital of sympathy has been successively squandered by the actions of the current American administration. This, so to say, "Legend of the Squandered Sympathy" is the subject of the long post that follows.
And, indeed, that post is worth a read.

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