Out of the Question - Is Bush's biggest mistake too awful to admit? By William�Saletan

An Awakening:

Mine, as it happens. It comes as a part of this astonishing article from Slate. It is called "Out of the Question," by William Saletan, Slate's chief policial correspondant.

The astonishment I refer to follows this segment, right in the center of the article:

In tonight's debate, moderator Jim Lehrer asked Bush, 'Has the war in Iraq been worth the cost of American lives?1,052 as of today?' Bush looked down. He recalled a woman whose husband had died in Iraq. 'I told her after we prayed and teared up and laughed some that I thought her husband's sacrifice was noble and worthy,' the president said. 'Was it worth it? Every life is precious. That's what distinguishes us from the enemy. ... We can look back and say we did our duty.'

That's how Bush judges the war's worth: not by costs and benefits, but by character. It shows our nobility. It shows we did our duty. He used the word 'duty' seven times tonight. Kerry never used that word, except to refer to 'active duty' troops.
He goes on to characterize the message Bush sends on the war:
Will. Resolute. Steadfast. Uncertainty. Weakness. Supporting our troops.

Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi is 'a brave, brave man,' Bush told the audience.
Here's the astonishing part: this is a pro-Kerry, anti-war article. Strongly anti-war.

And so I have awakened to something that I once knew, but somehow forgot. I am aware of it now, but I do not understand what it is I am aware of. I don't see how anyone could write the lines I just quoted, and not support the war. He conditions his position on his reading of the evidence. His reading differs sharply from mine, but leave that: I don't see how you could write those words, and not support the war even if things were far, far worse. To leave a brave ally to his doom? No, I should say: especially if things were worse.

"Not by cost and benefits, but by character." "It shows we did our duty. He used the word 'duty' seven times tonight. Kerry never used the word, except to refer to 'active duty' troops."

How do you grow to be a man, and think that "It shows we did our duty" is an argument against a thing? For what kind of man is "It shows our nobility" a proposition to scorn?

'He judges not by cost and benefits, but by character.' Can you think of higher praise?

What kind of people are these?

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