HUNDREDPERCENTER NEWSWIRES: President of Poland Calls Kerry 'Immoral'

Kerry's Diplomacy, Cont.

It's not just the citizens who are angry:

Reacting to John Kerry's omission of Polands efforts in Iraq, President of Poland Alexander Kwasniewski said, 'I find it kind of sad that a senator with 20 year parliamentary experience is unable to notice the Polish presence in the anti-terror coalition.'

When asked about Kerry's derogation of non-U.S. coalition countries fighting in Iraq, Kwasniewski said: 'I don't think it's an ignorance. Anti-terror coalition is larger than the USA, the UK and Australia. There are also Poland, Ukraine, and Bulgaria etc. which lost their soldiers there. It's highly immoral not to see our strong commitment we have taken with a strong believe that we must fight against terror together, that we must show our strong international solidarity because Saddam Hussein was dangerous to the world.'
Highly immoral, eh? Our John Kerry?

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