[english donga]

The End: nigh for Kim Jong-Il.

UPDATE: You can see pictures of the exercise here, at the website of the RENK NGO. If you read Japanese, you can read their eyewitness account of it.

UPDATE II: For you Information Operations warriors: back in January, China issued a bald territorial claim to much of Korea. It did this through claiming an ancient kingdom called "Goguryeo," also romanized as "Koguryo." This is a pre-Korean kingdom, in the sense that the language we have recovered from it is not Korean, but older. China has claimed it as a part of 'Greater Historic China,' which is incidentally exactly the reason they claim the right to own Tibet.

In late June, China managed to get the World Heritage Committee to recognize its claim. It did this through an expensive presentation that really "wowed" the WHC. This is not normally a political body -- but it means that China can now claim "international recognition" for its territorial ambitions.

Now that you know that, have a gander at today's Google News on the topic. Lot of ink for an ancient kingdom, eh?

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