Yahoo! Mail -

BlackFive Sends:

I really doubt too many of you who are deployed military read my site and not BlackFive's. Still, in case any of you Devil Dogs out there don't skim his place (and you should), I thought I'd pass along this offer he mentions:

I could use your help in getting the word out to our
deployed military.

Donovan Janus is the Principal of a company called
Exposure Manager - -
which is a top flight photography company that
specializes in storage and display of photos on-line.
I have no involvement or relationship with Exposure

Donovan's team contacted me and would like to extend
an offer to any service member in Iraq or Afghanistan
(or Africa) to provide free storage for their digital
photos. So,instead of emailing large photo files, our
service members could upload them to Exposure Manager
for free. They could then have their friends and
family see their work on-line.

Donovan's email address is
. Any deployed service member can contact him and
he'll set them up with a free account at Exposure
Manager. You can reference this email if needed.


That's downright decent of Donovan. The rest of you might want to consider throwing some business his way, if you happen to have any such needs.

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