Power Line: Joseph Wilson, Liar

Former Ambassador Wilson:

I've never heard a kind word about Joseph Wilson from anyone except Sovay. She maintains that he was uniquely qualified for the mission to Africa, having been ambassador to Iraq for the Bush I administration and also an experienced Africa hand.

Sovay is a fine researcher, so I will assume that part at least must be true and justified. Yet I keep reading stories like this one, which point out just how awful the Wilson expedition was. He seems to have singlehandedly convinced half of America of something that wasn't true--that Bush lied about Saddam seeking Uranium in Africa. I was raised not to call a man a liar even if he's lying, at least, not unless you were ready to kill him and take the consequences. Still, the Wilson situation is testing my resolve. He appears to have betrayed the trust of his nation, and deceived not only the American people but also the CIA.

UPDATE: Mark Steyn sounds off. He mentions that the British investigation, like the recent Senate investigation here in the US, also rejects Wilson's claims.

UPDATE: Charles at LGF posts a retrospective link, to a speech given by Wilson in which he blames Israel for the Iraq war. There we are--I knew there was a logical explanation for all this.

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