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Freedom Week:

Greyhawk of the Mudville Gazette has noticed that Iraq's Independence Day and our Independence Day come within a week of each other. He has therefore declared the entire week to be a new holiday, "Freedom week." He urges celebrations, and surely they are deserved. Iraq's security may not be assured yet, but honestly, neither is ours--and it never will be. The naysayers who point to the need for security in order to celebrate "true" liberty in Iraq fail to understand the nature of the thing called liberty. It is always a fight. Some places seem relatively safe, but there is no safety. There is only courage, and devotion to arms in the pursuit of justice. That devotion we name "chivalry."

Greyhawk is asking for donations to a fund that aids servicemen, called Soldier's Angels. You might drop by and have a look around their site.

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