Yahoo! Mail -

In Iraq:

It's short both in length and detail, but the Naval news has a clip from the commander of the 2/2 Marines, 1MARDIV, I MEF. He says:

These Marines work under incredibly austere conditions, under the constant threat of lethal engagement, and they make miracles happen. Because of that, I know we're winning the fight against Terrorism. I know it because of that, and because I see it in the eyes of the Iraqi children.
Just a sound bite, of course, but it's good to know he feels that way.

Hat tip to JHD, who has been sending lots of emails loaded with good stuff lately. I'm still in the midst of moving, so light posting for a few more days.

UPDATE: The piece has moved to a new location. You can also find the archive of all past news videos if you like.

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