TIDES World Press Reports

Fatwa on the Death of Nick Berg:

For those of you who have seen the video, you noticed that the execution was preceeded by a seven minute speech. That speech has been translated and made available by the DARPA TIDES project. It is a "virtual"--that is, a machine--translation, so shades of meaning may be lost. The overall meaning is clear.

One thing to notice is how often the "compromise" in Fallujah is cited as evidence that Allah has given al Qaeda a victory against the most powerful nation on earth. Abu Ghraib is cited as a reason to fight, but al Qaeda has to convince people also that there is the prospect of success in fighting.

Praise to Allah who honored Islam with His support, humiliated the infidels with His power, controlled everything with His Command, and tricked the infidels. Prayers and peace be upon the one that raised the banner of Islam with his sword.

Nation Of Islam,

Great news! The signs of dawn have begun and the winds of victory are blowing. Allah has granted us a great victory, in one of his battles in Fallujah. Thanks to Allah alone.

Nation of Islam,

Is there any excuse left to sit idly by? How can a free Muslim sleep soundly while Islam is being slaughtered, its honor bleeding and the images of shame in the news of the satanic abuse of the Muslim men and women in the prison of Abu-Ghraib. Where is your zeal and where is the anger for the religion of Allah? And where is the jealousy over the honor of the Muslims and where is the revenge for the honor of the Muslim men and women in the prisons of the Crusaders?

As for you, scholars of Islam, it is to Allah that we complain about you. Don't you see that Allah has established the evidence against you by the youth of Islam, who have humiliated the greatest power in history and broken its nose and destroyed its arrogance?

Hasn't the time come for you to learn from them the meaning of reliance on God and to learn from their actions the lessons of sacrifice and forebearance? How long will you remain like the women, knowing no better than to wail, scream and cry?

One scholar appeals to the free people of this world, another begs Kofi Annan, a third seeks help from 'Amr Musa and a fourth calls for peaceful demonstrations as if they did not hear the words of Allah "O Messenger, rally the believers to fight!"

Aren't you fed up with the jihad of conferences and the battles of sermons? Has the time not come for you to lift the sword, which the master of the Messengers was sent with?

And we hope that you will not intervene as usual by denouncing what we do to please the Americans. The Prophet, the master of the merciful has ordered to cut off the heads of some of the prisoners of Badr in patience. He is our example and a good role model.

As for you, Bush dog of the Christians, we promise you things that will displease you. With Allah's assistance, hard days are coming to you. You and your soldiers are going to regret the day that you stepped foot in Iraq and dared to violate the Muslims.

Another message for the collaborator and traitor Pervez Musharraf; we say to you, we can not wait to welcome your soldiers. By Allah, we will target them before the Americans and will avenge the blood of our brothers in Wana and others.

As for you, mothers and wives of the American soldiers, we say to you that we offered the American Administration the chance to exchange this prisoner for some of the prisoners in Abu-Ghraib, but they refused. We say to you, the dignity of the Muslim men and women in the prison of Abu Ghraib and others will be redeemed by blood and souls. You will see nothing from us except corpse after corpse and casket after casket of those slaughtered in this fashion.

"So kill the infidels wherever you see them, take them, sanction them, and await them in every place"

UPDATE: Some of you seem to be worried about this being here. As you can see from the link, DARPA put it in the clear by posting it on the web on an unclass site. There's no security risk: pretty much every enemy in the world already knows what was said because they speak the language, Arabic, in which it was originally broadcast. I don't know why newspapers haven't published the transcript, except that they prefer to tell you what to think rather than letting you read source documents and decide for yourself.

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