DefenseLINK News: New Commands in Iraq to Replace Combined Joint Task Force

Keeping Things Straight:

Now that we have two new commands in Iraq instead of CJTF-7, how are we going to keep them straight in our heads? It's worse since they have such similiar names: Multinational Corps Iraq and Multinational Force Iraq.

Kimmitt explained that Multinational Corps Iraq will focus on the tactical fight -- the day-to-day military operations and the maneuvering of the six multinational divisions on the ground. Army Lt. Gen. Thomas F. Metz will command the corps. Meanwhile, Multinational Force Iraq will focus on more strategic aspects of the military presence in Iraq, such as talking with sheiks and political leaders, and on training, equipping and fielding Iraqi security forces.
So, to recap, the Corps will be doing most of the fighting. Hmm... maybe that won't be so hard to remember after all. :)

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