
Doc Russia has a piece today on US Marines as The Terminator. Apparently a 155mm shell used against the Marines produced no casualties, and didn't even seriously interrupt the patrol:

Now, I don't know about you, but I think that that has got to be seriously intimidating. Think about it; Abdul and Ahmed find themselves a 155mm arty shell, and bury it in a street with a remote detonator. They wait for a long time for the Americans to show up. Eventually, sure enough, here comes a squad of Marines down the road. Here is their chance. It's their chance to shake the Americans up that much more. They know that Americans don't have a stomach for war (or so CNN would let them think). So....BAM!

Shell goes off. Marines react instantly, and set up a perimeter, ready to cut loose like the wrath of God. Nothing. Abdul and Ahmed have already fled like the cowards they are, and are surely patting themselves on the back for the damage they have done.

The next day, Abdul and Ahmed are sitting around their coffees smug in their cowardly attack, when what do they see; Marines. AGAIN. and as they draw closer, Ahmed and Abdul get that ugly sinking feeling in their guts when they realize that these Marines are the same ones from yesterday- bloody fatigues and all.

Somewhere inside Abdul and Ahmed start screaming because nothing human could have survived that IED,
.......and they are afraid that nothing human did.

Pone tuas armas!

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